The Middle Zone was an exhibition hosted and curated by curators associated with the Houtian Project in Xiamen. The premise for the exhibition, as well as its title puts forward ideas relating to the area in between, to that which is uncertain or perhaps undefined; a grey area. All artists who took part in the exhibition, including myself, work or have studios in the vicinity of the project's location in Houtian, a historic fishing village in Jimeio, a district on the outskirts of Xiamen. I have a studio in one of the former fisherman's houses which I use when I am in Xiamen. The Houtian Project itself operates in a number of ways: primarily in providing living, studio or workspaces for artists; creating a network and communitiy of artists; curating and hosting exhibitions; offering a centre for contemporary culture for the local community; providing an open and accessible library; and to not only encourage experimental practice in the contemporary visual arts field but also to engage its audience, both local and further afield, in this shifting domain.

The Middle Zone
Houtian Project
14 09 2019 to 30 09 2019
Press Release